Commercial Insurance for your Business
Business owners have important matters to face each day, like running a successful and profitable business.
Leave the insurance worries to professionals like Felsen Insurance. We look forward to working with you.
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10 ways to save on Business Insurance without sacrificing coverage
1. Know Your Insurer
We represent a number of fine companies, and we know which ones want your business. We shop for you.
2. Gaps and Overlaps
A commercial coverage survey eliminates expensive overlaps and reduces possible devastating gaps
3. Retain Affordable Risk
By prudent risk retention you use deductibles to reduce your overall insurance expenditure.
4. Don't Under-Insure
Just as we help you not to over-insure, we work with you to review and consider all of your exposures.
5. Don't Guess At Limits
Very often increased limits - especially liability - are costly when you underestimate the high-end of a law suit. Let us work with you to help determine how much coverage to purchase. Don't be caught short.
6. Don't Overlook Excess
A liability policy picking up where your primary coverage leaves off will save you money - and save your business.
7. Business Interruption
Can you afford to lose your income while waiting to rebuild after a fire or other catastrophe? The answer is NO!
8. Check for Discounts
Providers give discounts on policies when proper fire walls, sprinkler systems, burglar alarms, etc. are in place.
9. Products Liability
Because you don't manufacture the products you sell, doesn't mean you can't be sued - and won't need a lawyer.
10. Multiple Insurers
Splitting providers can easily be done when it makes economic sense to use more than one carrier.